Recent Accomplishments

  • installation of the new Oso Grande Neighborhood monument sign at the corner of Osuna and Morris; paid for by Councilor Jones and the Office of Neighborhood Coordination
  • advocated for installation of motion-activated Solar Lights and new metal trash cans for El Oso Grande Park  in 2023-24 by the City Parks and Recreation Dept.
  • held our Semi-Annual OGNA General Membership meeting on October 19, 2023 at Bear Canyon Senior Center
  • lobbied for and received $40,000 in State Capital Outlay funds for El Oso Grande Park upgrades in the 2024 Legislative Session via HB 2.
  • worked with ABQ’s Parks and Recreation and Traffic Engineering to address the illegal parking along the North side of Osuna Rd. across from the El Oso Grande Park to get the curb repainted yellow and get ‘No Parking’ signs posted
  • revised OGNA Bylaws to be in compliance with the City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance [0-22-15] passed in May, 2022