Updates from APD Foothills Command
There several ongoing operations in the Northeast Area Command designed to enhance safety and security in our community. First, we are actively addressing issues related to speeding and racing activity in our area. Our officers are conducting targeted operations to curb these dangerous behaviors and ensure that our roads remain safe for all users. Additionally there is an increased presence of our bike officers on local trails, such as the Embudo Trail and along the diversion channels. These officers are dedicated to patrolling these areas to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all who use them.
Foothills APD Newsletter: January 2025 https://mailchi.mp/cabq/january-newsletter-hw15z8e31d
Bernalillo County will host public meetings to garner feedback on its Water Conservation Plan. If you are a private well owner or a customer of a water system other than the ABCWUA, you are welcome to participate. All meetings take place from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Spanish language interpretation will be provided
- Monday, February 24, Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center, 9800 4th NW
- Thursday, February 27, Los Padilla Community Center, 2117 Los Padillas SW
Your input and voice are vital to ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of the County’s water resources. For more information, visit: https://www.bernco.gov/
Solid Waste Management Hosting Spring Fixit Clinic in March
Do you have a broken item in need of repair? Join the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Department for their Spring Fixit Clinic on Saturday, March 8 from 09:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Fuse Makerspace, 101 Broadway Ave NE. Bring your broken household items and learn from our experienced coaches how they can be repaired. This is a free, all-ages event where people can learn how to assess, disassemble, and hopefully repair broken household items instead of sending them to the landfill. The acceptable items include bikes, small appliances, electronics, and sewing projects. Skilled individuals who are handy and experienced in sewing, woodwork, leatherwork, electronics, small appliances, and jewelry are also invited to register as coaches. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.cabq.gov/
Senior Services Information
Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 : https://www.cabq.gov/seniors/senior-multigenerational-centers/bear-canyon-senior-center
Bear Canyon Senior Center Spring 2024 Senior Activities https://www.cabq.gov/seniors/documents/bcsc-april-2024-activity-list.pdf
Free Senior Lunch Options
The City of Albuquerque Dept of Senior Affairs continues to serve Senior lunches for persons 60 yrs and older. Lunches are distributed between 11:30 am – 1 pm, Monday – Friday and are available at local Senior and Multigenerational Centers — including Bear Canyon Sr Center. Seniors must make reservations for their free lunch with the Senior Center 24 hours in advance. Contact https://www.cabq.gov/seniors/senior-services/senior-meals.
AARP NM Senior Citizens Law Office: Estate Planning–Powers of Attorney, Wills & Other Important Life Decisions September 24, 2024 at 11:00 am via a ZOOM link.
There never seems to be a good time to discuss an estate plan, so how about now! Join AARP members from across the country and the Senior Citizens Law Office of New Mexico for a virtual class on estate planning to learn how to get your affairs in order. We’ll discuss what planning you need to do in case of incapacity and how you can pass on assets to your heirs.
For example, you’ll get information about: Powers of attorney, Creating a will, Avoiding probate, and Asset transfers
Sign in to your AARP.org account or create an account to register for events. AARP membership is not required. You will receive an email with a Zoom link before class. REGISTRATION AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: https://events.aarp.org/zrmXka?sms=7&cn=zP-kdBCYRBivQIQwhkGxuQ
Senior Services in Bernalillo County
Transportation Assistance: Learn about curb-to-curb van transportation within Bernalillo County provided to individuals age 60 and older.
Home Services and Assistance: Home Services are available to seniors ages 60 and older to promote safe, independent living. Services include chores, repairs, and retrofit.
CABQ Solid Waste Dept.
For information regarding CABQ Solid Waste Dept, hazardous waste collection, green waste, trash pick up and recycling events, please call 311 or go to https://www.cabq.gov/solidwaste
City of Albuquerque Constructive Conversations Report
In Spring 2024, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and City Councilors met for “Constructive Conversations,” a series of community meetings fostering dialogue between residents and city leaders to shape the future of the built environment in Albuquerque. The series featured nine sessions in each Council district across Albuquerque. There was significant attendance and interaction between community members and the Mayor’s Office, City Councilors and City Department leaders including Planning, Parks and Recreation, Municipal Development, Community Safety and more. The below Constructive Conversations report summarizes key facts related to the Constructive Conversations as well as feedback received on community hopes and needs. View the report
Apply to Serve on a CABQ Board or Commission
If you are interested in serving on a City of Albuquerque Board or Commission, apply via the online application. The application works for all boards and commissions and will remain active for one calendar year from the date submitted. For a list of opportunities see: https://www.cabq.gov/clerk/boards-commissions
The 311 Community Contact Center provides our community with speedy and easy access to City of Albuquerque information and services with exceptional customer care. City agents answer your questions and respond to your requests for service from any department or division at the City. Typical city related issues include: non-functioning Traffic signs and lights, abandoned vehicles, l
Click here for more information https://www.cabq.gov/311/abq311/
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) : https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/frequently-asked-questions
Albuquerque Community Safety (ACS) Dept
ACS Second Anniversary Report https://www.cabq.gov/mayor/documents/redefining-public-safety_acs-2-year-anniversary.pdf
The mission of ACS is to provide Albuquerque with a holistic, empathetic, and informed response to behavioral and mental health-related 911 calls. Responses are personalized to the needs of the individual, family, and community so that ACS can bring the right response at the right time. ACS allows 911 dispatch to send trained professionals with backgrounds in behavioral and mental health and social services to non-violent and non-medical calls.
CABQ Office of Neighborhood Coordination: https://www.cabq.gov/office-of-neighborhood-coordination/
To subscribe to the weekly ONC e-news: https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=8d891d34a8
City of Albuquerque Comprehensive Plan Update:
The City of Albuquerque committed to updating the Comprehensive Plan to bring in current data, policies and actions that have been created since 2017. The 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update will take place on January 18, 2024 @ 8:40am via Zoom: https://cabq.zoom.us/j/
Newsletter: Comp Plan Update, Central ABQ CPA Assessment & NW Mesa Escarpment VPO @ EPC (mailchi.mp)
The Oso Grande area is in the Foothills Community Planning Assessment area that is scheduled to begin March 2026

You can make a direct difference in the lives of hungry children, adults, seniors and whole families by providing the nourishment they need. The Food Bank accepts monetary donations year round. A financial contribution extends your support allowing us to distribute up to five meals for every one dollar contributed. Please make your gift payable to Roadrunner Food Bank, 5840 Office Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109, or Donate online: https://www.rrfb.org/give/give-funds/
For more information, please call 505.349.8909 or 575.523.4390.