El Oso Grande Park Updates
Our El Oso Grande Park is beautiful anytime of the year. The Oso Grande Neighborhood Association (OGNA) takes great pride in ensuring that the grass stays green and the new trees in the perimeter are thriving at El Oso Grande Park. Occasionally there have been some issues with Park maintenance but due to OGNA advocacy and the great response of the City Parks Department the issues are quickly addressed.
August 29, 2024 Park Update:
We have noticed that a couple of Bosnian Pine Trees on the southside of the park were turning brown and dying and became concerned about a pine bark beetle infestation. Sean O’Neill, City Arborist, said City Parks and Rec Dept is aware of the problem and are monitoring those 2 pine trees in particular and other trees along the CNM border. O’Neill said other trees in the Park have been in decline due to ‘girdling’ of the trees’ own roots wrapping around the trunk and starving the tree of water and nutrients — the trees then become compromised and easy ‘victims/hosts’ for insects. The NM Dept of Agriculture has a ‘purple’ monitoring station hung in a pine tree (on S Side of park) to monitor insects and the City is also doing regular assessments of all parks. The City has each tree identified on a GPS map.
A big factor for increased insect infestation is the warming climate allowing beetles and other insects to ‘winter over’. The Honey Locust trees, Pines and Ash trees are becoming compromised all over the City due to lack of rain and heat. Also many of our El Oso Grande Park trees are at the 20-30 yr end of their life span and more vulnerable so the replanting along Osuna was done.
So all this is to say, the City is aware of the El Oso Grande tree issues and is trying to prevent infestations of pine bark beetles and honey locust beetles but the ‘girdling’ and dying of trees is making matters worse.
Installation of Solar Lights
OGNA members advocated our previous City Councilor Trudy Jones, as well as the current City Councilor Dan Champine and the Parks and Recreation Department for new Solar Lights to be placed around the Park for the safety and security of the public. These new lights will provide low lighting via motion activation. The new lights are being placed in the park right of way along Osuna Rd, Morris and near the Children’s Play area. The Parks and Recreation Dept received funding for the solar lights through the NM State Capital Outlay program. OGNA is very appreciative of the City’s support. See the photos below.