OGNA Board Members & Application

Oso Grande NA Board Members as of October 2023: 


Bob Fass

Vice President 



Janie McGuigan


Lorraine Kubik

Members at Large

Karen Rivard

David Hollis

Dee Taylor

Mary O’Dowd



Please Note:   OGNA is actively seeking nominations and self-nominations for the OGNA Board.  Your voice matters —  please consider submitting an Application and getting involved today.  Copy and paste the below Application information to another document, save and submit.   It is that easy.

If you have questions, please contact us at info@osograndena.org


Oso Grande Neighborhood Association Board Application

Please send to:  OGNA, PO Box 21927, Albuquerque, 87154 or info@osograndena.org


APPLICATION DATE: ___________________, _____, 20____


_____________________         _________________________________

            First Name                                                               Last Name

STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS (if different from Street address) _____________________________

PHONE NUMBER (with area code): _________________________________ 

EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________

DATE MOVED INTO NEIGHBORHOOD:  _________________(Month), _____ (Year)


OGNA MEMBER SINCE:      (Month/Year):  __________________________________

Why do you want to serve on the OGNA Board?___________________________________


What skills and experience would you like to offer to OGNA? ____________________________


What areas of interest or issues of concern do you have about the Oso Grande neighborhood area and/or would like to see the neighborhood association pursue?  _________________________________________________________________________
