We welcome our members to join any of these existing committees. A brief description of each committee follows. If you, as a member of OGNA, would like to join a committee or have an idea for a committee that you’d like to begin, use the ‘Contacts’ page to send an e-mail.
El Oso Grande Pollinator Habitat Project: This committee has been working closely with the Native Plant Society of New Mexico (Albuquerque Chapter) and the City’s Parks and Recreation Department to revitalize the natural space just east of the park’s playground area.
This committee helps to ensure that the El Oso Grande Park is kept clean and picked up for the benefit of park users.
Planning & Zoning Committee: This committee meets on an ‘as needed’ basis to maintain the integrity of the neighborhood and surrounding areas. It monitors city rules and regulations and potential zoning and land use changes in the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) that can impact the area.
Social Media Committee: Insures that information about the Oso Grande Neighborhood is published in select social media publications. Currently we use our website (osograndena.org) Nextdoor.com, facebook, flyers , handouts and General Membership Meetings.