Upcoming OGNA General Meetings – October 17, 2024

The next Oso Grande Neighborhood Association (OGNA) General Meeting will be held 6:00 pm,  October 17, 2024, at the Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt N.E.    At this meeting the registered members in attendance will be electing OGNA Board Officers and At Large members.  The following positions will be open for Election at the October meeting:  President, Vice President, and 2 At Large Member positions (*).

Also a representative from the Albuquerque Community Safety (ACS) Department will be making a presentation at the October meeting.  ACS sends trained professionals with backgrounds in behavioral and mental health and social services to non-violent and non-medical calls. The goal is to deliver the right response at the right time and to improve access to the broad range of social services from government and community-based organizations.

Notification of all upcoming meetings will be posted on this website.


(*)   Any adult OGNA member (whether homeowner or renter) of the Association is eligible to serve on the OGNA Board of Directors.  Every Board candidate must:   1) reside within the neighborhood boundaries [Morris Street, Spain Road, Edwards Street, Osuna Rd]; 2) be a registered Member of OGNA; and, 3) submit a OGNA Board Application (see below Application) which will be reviewed to confirm the Applicant is a member of the association and lives within the boundaries of the neighborhood.  A copy of the Board Application is available for download at osograndena.org.

Board Applications are due by September 27, 2024 or no later than 20 days before the scheduled Oso Grande Annual meeting on October 17, 2024.  Please send all Applications to:  OGNA, PO Box 21927, Albuquerque, 87154 or submit to info@osograndena.org

All approved Board Applicant’s names and the position they are seeking will be published by October 7, 2024 or a minimum of 10 days before the Annual meeting via social media (osograndena.org and Nextdoor).  Please note:  No other Applicants for Officer positions will be considered at the General Membership meeting.

All voting shall take place at the OGNA Annual Meeting on 6:30 pm, October 17, 2024 at Bear Canyon Senior Center in accordance with the City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance [0-22-15].


Oso Grande Neighborhood Association Board Application

Please send to:  OGNA, PO Box 21927, Albuquerque, 87154 or info@osograndena.org


APPLICATION DATE: ___________________, _____, 20____


___President ____ Vice President; ___At Large Member(s)


_____________________         _________________________________

     First Name                                                           Last Name

STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS (if different from Street address) _____________________________

PHONE NUMBER (with area code): _________________________________ 

EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________

DATE MOVED INTO NEIGHBORHOOD:  _________________(Month), _____ (Year)


OGNA MEMBER SINCE:      (Month/Year):  __________________________________

Why do you want to serve on the OGNA Board?___________________________________


What skills and experience would you like to offer to OGNA? ____________________________


What areas of interest or issues of concern do you have about the Oso Grande neighborhood area and/or would like to see the neighborhood association pursue?  ______________________________________________________________
