About OGNA


The Oso Grande Neighborhood Association (OGNA) was established in the mid-1990s.  The purpose of OGNA is to promote a better neighborhood and community through group action, so that the quality of life in the area shall be in keeping with the social, environmental, cultural and historic needs and interests of the residents.  Our Association is a voluntary organization, not a Homeowners Association, and does not have legal covenants or powers over its residents.  The activities of the Association include, but are not limited to, sponsoring cooperative planning, research, fundraising, public education programs and neighborhood watch groups as they are deemed necessary.
We want to learn more about what matters to you so that we can identify and prioritize projects that will improve the Oso Grande area, El Oso Grande Park and promote safety and build a sense of community among our neighbors.  Please send us your thoughts and suggestions at info@osograndena.org

NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARIES:  NORTH, Spain Road; EAST, Edwards Drive; SOUTH, Bear Canyon Arroyo; WEST, Morris Street.